Monday, August 25, 2014

coming in november: a new VLADISLAV DELAY album!

the best news for a monday morning: vladislav delay has a new album, visa, in the works!

compounding the excitement, this is being described as the first ambient album from sasu ripatti's longtime alias in more than ten years. it was crafted in just two weeks, apparently in the time period when ripatti *should* have been touring the US. unfortunately, like countless others, the finnish artist seems to have had "visa issues" and couldn't make it into the country. fortunately, he took the time to focus on new productions, and if the seventeen-minute "medley" he's just posted to his soundcloud page is any indicator, this sounds like it should be a good one...

visa will come through ripatti's newer, self-titled imprint on november 10th. you can find a short interview and a few more details at RA. now, listen in and get ready:

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